Board #1: Practice Board - 555 Timer w/ LEDs in Series

Board Purpose

The purpose of this board design project was to introduce the class to the design steps and flow to take a napkin sketch concept of a PCB design and create a schematic and layout design, send it out for fabrication, and cross fingers with hope during the bring-up and testing phase once those boards have been returned from fabrication that you didn’t screw it up. This last step is also where one might question why you did something the way you did while possibly in a very sleep-deprived state, but at least make a note to either do (or not do) that thing again for future projects.

With this board, the design concept is to utilize a 555 timer (choosing between a fast or slow LCSC part option) as a signal source, a power input jack, test points for use with spring tip probes, indicator LEDs, and switches to control what part(s) of the board is usable at any one time during bring-up and troubleshooting stages. Ideally, this board would be made the size of a business card, partially for the cool and different factor, but also as a very direct way to show off one’s electronics skills on the spot.

[more information coming soon]


Project: Board 2 - Good vs. Poor Design